Saturday, August 30, 2014



This rom isn't booting at the moment it stay's on Bootscreen so if you can help with this install this rom and check the logcat. 

The Rom is based on CM11 M9 and port is Xiaomi MI4


Thursday, August 28, 2014

[APP][Accessories] You know Xiaomi's MiKey?

The Story beganns with Pressy that was crowdfounded Project, 
Xiaomi has just copied this and calls this Mikey.

The idea about this is very cool, most People don't use the Headphone jack but with Mikey or Pressy you do two things ad once! You have a free program able Button that you can use as you like and it's a dust cover for your headphone jack.

So you can program this button as a camera-, torchlight-, musik-button, and so on...

and the best thing about, this it's very cheap!
And you don't need the Original , 

(in Germany you can get one on ebay about 3-5€)

Just have look @ebay and search for mikey or Pressy ;)

Here you can Download the app:

Original App thread:

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

[Theme] MIUI v6 Theme: Hello Color6 by Sunny

How about a little taste from MIUI v6 ?!

Xiaomi Member Sunny has made a great theme for MIUI v5 that gives you the look from the new OS! Not all Icons are themed now but it gives you the transparent Notification Area and the flat system Design! So give it a shoot , you will like it!

To install this theme: open thememanager and import the Theme from your location where you have saved the theme.


[MOD] Your S4 is to quiet? BOOST your Volume!

So you want to boost your S4's Volume simple? No problem!
Thx to XDA member contrinsan for creating the Sound mod for the S4. It's only a single File that thas been changed and it works on all Roms on Kitkat base (AOSP,AOKP,TW,CM,MIUI,.....)

For easy install i just created 3 Flash able files for you

1. Default Sound S4

2. Medium Sound Boost

3.Super Sound Boost

As contrinsan say's:

Don't put at maximum volume with the Super Soundboost if your music is recorded loud allready, you and only you are responsible for your ears and device so use with caution!!!

Link to the original Thread:

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

[APP] WSM Tools 2.3.5 for MIUI v5 from BurgerZ

The most popular Tool for MIUI to customize youre Phone in many diffrent Ways created by BurgerZ , it is the non-official version of Xposed for MIUI.

In WSM Tools you can Download many Module's (Apps)
and also Xposed modules what makes modding and theming easy for every budy. 

To start with it install WSM Tools and don't forget to enable Root rights in the permissions App:

start the App > Type on Framework > Than hit install > reboot!

If you are finished with this open WSM Tools and select and an Module on the Online tab and install it. Now you have to activate your downloaded Module and set it up to. Then reboot and Changes become active.

( becarefull with xposed Modules because they are not official for MIUI and can caused problems!)

You can Download the Module on the XDA Thread by BalcanGSM

[MOD] Xperia Z2 Sirius Smart Social Camera by xperiaz2 (XDA)

XDA user xperiaz2 has done a great job and ported the xperia Z2 Smart Social Camera including latest AR Effect,Background Defocus,Info Eye,Social live,Vine,Motionshot,Motiongraph for Xperia,Wikitude Places,Voice Balloon Photo,AR Effect for Line,V1 Sports For Sony. Also the AR Effect from Google Playstore are working on this and you can update the thrue Google Play.

This app is working great on i9505 with MIUI and the Ar-Effect's are really funny.

Installations is really simple thru CWM/TWRP


-Wipe Cache/Dalvik
-Install mod
-Wipe Cache/Dalvik

You can downlaod the mod on the Thread from XDA


Monday, August 25, 2014

Hello all !

Here you will find the latest version of Miui v5 for i9505.
With Multilang support and Optimizings by me (natorus87)

Because i can not update any Forum entry about the same time of this rom, this will be the main place where updates will be first.

*This Blog is still in build progress*