[MOD] Xperia Z2 Sirius Smart Social Camera by xperiaz2 (XDA)
XDA user xperiaz2 has done a great job and ported the xperia Z2 Smart Social Camera including latest AR Effect,Background Defocus,Info Eye,Social live,Vine,Motionshot,Motiongraph for Xperia,Wikitude Places,Voice Balloon Photo,AR Effect for Line,V1 Sports For Sony. Also the AR Effect from Google Playstore are working on this and you can update the thrue Google Play.
This app is working great on i9505 with MIUI and the Ar-Effect's are really funny.
Installations is really simple thru CWM/TWRP
-Wipe Cache/Dalvik
-Install mod
-Wipe Cache/Dalvik
You can downlaod the mod on the Thread from XDA
hi all.i install the Xperia Z2 Sirius Smart Social Camera but after the camera of my s4 couldnt open...how can i unistall it?